Vehicle Handover: How to Handover The Fleet Vehicle to Others?

Every fleet owner has the responsibility of allocating a vehicle to a driver for a particular trip. Sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances an assigned driver won’t be able to complete the round trip of loading, unloading and getting the fleet vehicle back to the place where it needs to be.

In such cases, the fleet owner has to get the vehicle handed over to another driver or manager for the rest of the trip.

Let’s now create a handover instruction via FleetOS.


ABTrucks has already initiated an unloading trip from Mumbai to Chennai. Currently, the driver has reached Bangalore, which is just 7 hours away from Chennai, the unloading point.

Unexpectedly, the driver requested for replacement to complete the trip due to some unavoidable personal issues.

So, you are put in a spot where to assign a new driver to replace the one who is carrying out the trip.

Let’s see how a fleet owner assigns a replacement driver using a FleetOS account.

Step 1

Login in to your FleetOS account and click on the Trip Plan section in the left hand side menu column.

Once you are in the Trip Plan page, select the LIVE trip card that you need to change the driver.

Step 2

Once you select a trip card, you will be redirected to a new page where you can select the Handover tab mentioned in the image below.

Step 3

Once you select the Handover tab, you will get to see the screen as shown below, where you need to select the Handover Mode (Radio Button).

  1. If you select handover to driver, then you need to enter replacing drive name, add pickup location and pickup time. (refer the above image)
  2. If you select Handover to manager, then you need to enter pickup location, pickup time, contact person name Manager), contact person number.

Once you confirm and handover, the concerned driver or manager will get notified of the registered mobile number.

as far as handing over to the driver is concerned, the replacing driver will get notified via the Vamosys DRS app


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